Deepening the understanding of the capital structure by unpacking the process that coordinates capital within the new-product R&D stage of the capital structure is the purpose of this paper.
- Articles
- ArticlesHow the legal doctrine of prosecutorial immunity creates a "lemons" problem in criminal courts through moral hazard.
- Notes and RepliesRapp, Olbrich, and Venitz argue that value investing is incompatible with Austrian economics.
- Notes and RepliesWhen attempting to explicate a theory of the business cycle, we must distinguish between those components that are necessary features of the cycle and those that are merely incidental.
- Book ReviewsSchumpeter's review of Fetter's textbook, now available in English, highlights the connections between Fetter's theory and the economics of the Austrian school, especially his classification of entrepreneurial activity.
- Book ReviewsMany economists "essentially have no justification, or defensible reason, for what they are doing" and resent being asked to provide one. Review of Steven Payson's new book, by Sam Bostaph.
- Book ReviewsMore than twenty years after his death, Rothbard proves that he still has much to teach us. A review of Rothbard's book on the Progressive Era, edited by Patrick Newman.